Okej. På riktigt. Detta är fan stort!
Tobias Sammet följer nu upp sin "once in a lifetime" Avantasia festivalturné från 2008 med en inomhusturné som kommer att sträcka sig över 4 veckor denna vinter!! Anledningen till att det är en så "kort" tidsperiod är tydligen att han ska kunna få med så många gäster som möjligt! Enligt honom själv ska det också bli spelningarna bli större (produktionsmässigt), bättre och längre än under festivalturnén!
Tobi himself säger följande på sin hemsida:
"There has always been the desire to do it again, but of course there is always a risk. It requires a huge amount of time and energy, there are no figures based on experience, because I don't anybody who has taken an allstar Metal Opera on the road to play indoor venues. The stage production is abnormally expensive and you must not forget the many people who are involved and who come from different parts of the world. It requires a good timing. At some point we sat together and checked if and how we could possibly do it once again and we soon found out, that December 2010 would be the right period to do a real tour. I admit that four weeks are not really a long time frame, but it's better to do a short tour than no tour at all. And if we hadn't taken that chance, it would have never happened because we will come with a lot of musicians and vocalists and it's a nightmare to mind all our individual schedules with our main bands."
"You can't compare a normal band to what we are going to do. If all your favourite singers appear on one stage at the same night to take you on a musical journey, then this isn't just great, it's über-great!"
Det är redan klart att Avantasia kommer att headlina nästa års Wacken Oper Air Festival, men några datum för vinter turnén är ännu inte klara. Så jag säger: PLEASE MR GREAT METAL GENIUS TOBIAS SAMMET!! COME TO SWEDEN!!!!!!!!
Tobias Sammet följer nu upp sin "once in a lifetime" Avantasia festivalturné från 2008 med en inomhusturné som kommer att sträcka sig över 4 veckor denna vinter!! Anledningen till att det är en så "kort" tidsperiod är tydligen att han ska kunna få med så många gäster som möjligt! Enligt honom själv ska det också bli spelningarna bli större (produktionsmässigt), bättre och längre än under festivalturnén!
Tobi himself säger följande på sin hemsida:
"There has always been the desire to do it again, but of course there is always a risk. It requires a huge amount of time and energy, there are no figures based on experience, because I don't anybody who has taken an allstar Metal Opera on the road to play indoor venues. The stage production is abnormally expensive and you must not forget the many people who are involved and who come from different parts of the world. It requires a good timing. At some point we sat together and checked if and how we could possibly do it once again and we soon found out, that December 2010 would be the right period to do a real tour. I admit that four weeks are not really a long time frame, but it's better to do a short tour than no tour at all. And if we hadn't taken that chance, it would have never happened because we will come with a lot of musicians and vocalists and it's a nightmare to mind all our individual schedules with our main bands."
"You can't compare a normal band to what we are going to do. If all your favourite singers appear on one stage at the same night to take you on a musical journey, then this isn't just great, it's über-great!"
Det är redan klart att Avantasia kommer att headlina nästa års Wacken Oper Air Festival, men några datum för vinter turnén är ännu inte klara. Så jag säger: PLEASE MR GREAT METAL GENIUS TOBIAS SAMMET!! COME TO SWEDEN!!!!!!!!
Postat av: Grimgoth
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